Tag Archives: Pancakes

Bunny Training Success!

1 Dec

When we first got Pancakes, we had one heck of a time trying to get him back into his cage. Since my classes start after Jonathan has to leave for work, getting him back in his cage in the mornings after play time usually was my job. After a while of being frustrated daily, I figured out that my little bunny loves raisins! So I would hold a raisin in front of his nose and painstakingly lead him from wherever he was to his cage.

After awhile, he learned that the big red thing meant raisins, so when I got the big red thing down, he would run to me, begging for a raisin. And I would hold it in front of his nose and lead him to his cage.

After awhile of that, he learned raisins meant cage so he would run to his cage. And I would wave it around inside his cage until he actually got into his cage.

And now he’s good. I shake the raisin container, and he sprints into his cage.

Today, I shook the raisin container and spilled raisins all over the floor by mistake. My well-trained bunny looked at them, ran right over them, and straight to his cage without being distracted for a second!

Gooood Pancakes! 🙂

On a side note, we have long curtains in my office that touch the floor. I usually have them tied up so Pancakes can’t chew on them, but he managed to get one down… then he got behind it… and played a really cute peek a boo game where he poked his nose out from under the curtain, darted back in, then poked it out again from another spot.  I wish I had had my camera handy!


Here’s an obligatory cute-bunny picture… it’s actually from when we first got him.. but since I’m writing about him I thought I should atleast put a picture up! 

End of November recap

30 Nov

Well, friends, November came and left in the blink of an eye!

Thanksgiving weekend was interesting. Jonathan went to Ohio to see his family for Thanksgiving, and this grad student stayed home and studied, studied, studied! On actual Thanksgiving, some of my friends in town were free in the evening, so we met up for some IHOP and then board games. So I wasn’t too lonely!

One of Jonathan’s sisters, Monika, also went to Ohio for Thanksgiving. Both of Jonathan’s sisters live in Oklahoma, so the natural over night spot is at our place, since we are smack dab in the middle of the route between OK and OH. So we got to see Monika, her husband, Dave, and our three adorable nephews. And, we got to see them twice, in fact!

The kiddo on the right is Ben, who is five, and the kiddo on the left is Tim who is almost three. Aren’t they cute? They also got a kick out of Pancakes, our bunny:


And, they bought us a present…

These kids cups from First Watch are really cute, especially since our bunny is named pancakes and the syrup on the side of the pancake stack looks sort of like a bunny ear!


I guess that was really a Thanksgiving recap.  And in case you were feeling sorry for me for not having a real Thanksgiving, my friend Laurel (who moved out of the state last summer with her husband) was back in town to see her family for Thanksgiving, and they had an awesome Thanksgiving meal the weekend before Thanksgiving and invited me and Jonathan! So that was double fun…. great food and getting to see friends !

Now for the November recap:

– Jonathan and I joined a gym, and have been using bootcamp and personal training groupons, so fitness has been a huge focus this month!

– I lost 5 pounds this month and am doing great towards getting to my goal weight!

– A lot of studying. A. Lot.

– It was my mom’s and my sister’s birthdays this month, so belated happy birthday shout outs! (don’t worry, I did remember on the actual day!) Alysha turned TWENTY TWO!! How is that even possible?  btw… in March I am going to share my favorite Alysha story ever… so stay tuned!

– More studying… haha.

– I did, in fact, see Breaking Dawn in theaters, and that was definitely worth it.

– No snow yet here, hoping that sticks for awhile. I am not ready for snow!


Looking forward to December, to hopefully seeing everyone in my family, to Christmas crafts, and to travel! And.. of course… my birthday! Just gotta get through two weeks of exams and projects first. So.. here we go!


Pancakes says hi!!

31 Mar

Can’t help it, my bun is so cute I have to post a pic!



13 Oct

Exactly one week ago, we acquired a new family member. We got a lionhead/lop mix, which is a super cute type of bunny, if you did not know that, and we named him Pancakes!

Pancakes has three bowls in his cage: one for pellet food, one for water, and one for food treats. Today, Betsy and I were feeding him some romaine lettuce, and he got distracted by the curtains on the window (which obviously must get attacked!), so I ripped the lettuce into bits and put them in his pellet food bowl.

Shortly there after, Betsy had to leave, so I left Pancakes unattended, loose in my office, and went to lock the door behind Betsy.

I was worried about what Pancakes might do while I was gone. Over all, he is a good bunny, but he does occasionally try to chew on the furniture, which I do not like.

So I returned to my office, filled with dread, and found that cute little bunny in his cage (we leave the door open when he’s having “play time,” which is usually supervised unless mommy has to let her friend out), like a good boy eating lettuce.

The especially cute thing about this is that he had moved the lettuce from his food bowl, across the cage, into his treat bowl, and was now chowing down on his “treat!”

Anyway, having a bunny is really fun, and Pancakes is such a cute little bunny! We are enjoying him!