Tag Archives: organization

Freezer Paper Stencils : Easy as Pie!

7 Jun

Last night, we had a little ladies’ craft night, and I tried my hand at freezer paper stenciling. I made a bag for my husband and I to keep our helmets and gloves in so that when we want to go for an impromptu ride, we can just grab the bag instead of hunting down our bike gear.

Anyway, freezer paper stenciling. It’s really quite easy! Take freezer paper, cut out a stencil, iron the waxy side to your item. This helps prevent bleeding under the stencil or shifting. Then paint away! Peel up the freezer paper when it’s dry.

(I read a lot of tutorials before doing this, and they made it seem so hard, which is why it took me two years to get around to trying it. It’s really not hard at all!!!)

if you can free hand your stencil, great. I didn’t. I printed my image, and then traced it onto the freezer paper. I printed in black, and had no problem seeing well enough to trace my image without using a light board or anything fancy.

What I did struggle with was cutting out my image with an X-acto knife. I think if I ever do more stenciling, I would just pay for one of the self-healing cutting mats at Michaels or Hobby Lobby. I just used cardboard. If you can find a large piece of foam or unribbed cardboard, that would probably work better. I was using ribbed cardboard and got a little frustrated. But it was doable, as you can see!

As for paints, I used sort of puffy fabric paint, and just painted it on with sponge brushes.


I got the Velo idea from the web. It turned out pretty cute!

Real Simple + Cooking Light Magazine Deal.. and somehow I wrote 100 posts!

28 Feb

First, because deal sites are super popular, there is one for Moms called mamapedia. Now I know what you are thinking, “but Sasha, you aren’t a Mom!” Very true. But I do have nephews and a niece, and I have gotten great deals on stuff for them.

AND TODAYS DEAL ROCKS MY SOCKS OFF! 1 year of Cooking Light magazine and 1 year of Real Simple magazine for only 20 dollars! Amazing!  I first became familiar with Real Simple when my SIL gave me her collection of old copies. If you like organization, or, if you hate it and need ideas, this magazine rocks. Anyway, I bought the deal. If you are interested, please by it with my beautiful link so that I will get a ten dollar credit and be able to buy more things. 🙂



Also, WordPress is telling me that this is my 101st post! Yay me!  It is very, very exciting!