Tag Archives: work outs

Ten Lb Milestone!

22 Jan

I have officially lost ten lbs since I started Weight Watchers at the end of August.  Okay, so the rate of loss is a little slower than I had hoped, but getting my “additional 5 lbs lost” (aka ten lbs lost) mile marker felt so rewarding! Even if I am losing slowly, I am gradually getting healthier and reaching my goal!

I also have been eating regularly all week, so I feel good about this week’s weigh in… The last two weeks I kind of wondered if my weight would sky rocket back up once I wasn’t feeling sick anymore. But it hasn’t! I also got back into working out… I did an hour of indoor biking on Thurs, then I had a half hour weight training session + 15 minutes cardio to warm up on Friday, and yesterday Jonathan and I went to a spinning class.


Now comes the hard part… eating right and exercising during the longest week of my life. I have class for 11 days solid with no days off because I have a weekend class next week.  AHHHHH. The weight loss contest with my friends ends a week from today, and this week could really blow it because I don’t know how I’ll find time to work out. Jonathan is going to try to keep me stocked up with healthy meals and snacks that  I can take to school with me so that I’m not tempted to hit the school cafeteria which is unhealthy and expensive!

So… wish me luck during hell week! 🙂 (and just that I’ll survive.. you know.)

Grey’s Anatomy + Work Out time

19 Jan

So I worked out for the first time in nearly two weeks.  The last time I worked out was a spinning class on January 7th.  I got sick January 9th, and I finally felt good enough to work out. (Actually, I was supposed to work out this morning, but I just forgot. 😦  Thankfully, my friend Nancy was very forgiving and didn’t seem too mad at me.

So tonight I decided to motivate myself by employing an old trick from college… I went to the gym when a favorite show was  on (Grey’s Anatomy) and did a full hour work out.

I feel awesome! I am so glad I did that!

Now for my comments on Grey’s Anatomy… can I just say I have been waiting for Hunt to flip out about Cristina’s abortion. I knew he couldn’t be so understanding forever. I understand Teddy’s work-a-holic way of dealing with her grief. I loved Meredith’s “Yay Zola” cake. Anyway, I am much less mad this week than last week!  If you saw the previews.. I am really excited about an alternate universe Grey’s! Can’t wait to see Lexie as a dread-locked bum!

On a total side note, grades from last semester are in and my semester average was higher than my GPA… so that’s always a good thing! 🙂

Work outs and Fitness Posts

7 Dec

So if you know me, you know that trying to lose weight and become more fit is something I have been working on for a long, long time.  I’ve been an on again off again dieter for probably about eight years. 

I had been keeping a blog with all of my food and exercise related experiences, pitfalls, triumphs, and ideas. And then I started doing weight watchers, which takes up plenty of my time on its own. And between doing that instead of a Sasha-created plan, and being buys, I wasn’t keeping up with that as a separate blog. 

So I’m going to integrate my weight-loss and fitness blogging into my everyday journal. Hopefully you guys don’t mind too much. But, if people leave comments telling me they’d prefer the weight-loss stuff on a separate tab, I’ll be happy to do that. 


Onto what I want to write about today. I am becoming a work out addict. Not in a bad way, so don’t worry. In a fabulous way. In a “I like to get 30 minutes of light exercise at a minimum most days because I feel more awake, more focused, and more alive” kind of way. I had decided not to hit the gym today (i worked out on Monday and Tuesday) but then I ended up driving right by the gym, and I was wearing gym clothes, and it felt like fate. So I popped in for 40 minutes on the bike. tomorrow I’m going to do 30 mins cardio and 30 minutes of core/back exercises. 

Don’t worry, guys. I’m not overdoing it. Sometimes I pop in for 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill.  I know when my body needs some recovery. 

I have just never, ever enjoyed working out in my life. And now, I love it. I love how focused I feel when I study after a good workout. Or better yet, when I go to class after a work out.  I love how much more energy I have all day. I love feeling like an active person instead of like a giant couch potato. 

My work out “routine” is pretty sporadic. The gym I go to has a lot of classes, and I like taking those when I can. Between the classes and my own workouts, I try to do weights twice a week, and I try to make sure I am working my upper and lower body evenly.  

Does anyone have a work out “routine”? It would be interesting to know what other people do or don’t do!