Tag Archives: tv shows

Spring Break Recap

2 Apr

So, something is wrong with me and I took NO pictures!! WHAAAT? And this post is way over due because I sort of forgot I have a blog for a bit. OOPSY! Anyway.

I had an awesome time in Ohio for spring break! I hung out with my lil sis, and we had adventures (of course!)

Among the fabulous things we did:

– Movies:  21 Jump Street and The Lorax

– Mani/Pedis… gel polish is fabulous!

– Shopping: at the outlet mall, at target, on the web!

– FOOD! We had chinese, italian, pizza…. and Jeni’s Ice cream!!! I highly, highly recommend it! http://www.jenisicecreams.com/ they ship to all 50 states. SO DELICIOUS and so many unique flavors!

– TV! Alysha got me addicted to Haven, which is a scifi show. Im usually not a huge sci fi person, but this show is awesome! I highly recommend it, as well!

We also went to Centerville to celebrate Daddy’s birthday, which was really fun and really nice. We even got him to play Apples to Apples, which was hilarious!

Anyway, it was a fab spring break and now I miss my fam 😦 Good thing I’ll see them in May when I graduate!!!!!!!!


Thanks, Alysha, for having me all that week!!!!! You Rock!!!


Also, I had intended to tell my favorite Alysha story for St. Patty’s Day, but I was so busy taking the ethics section of the bar that I forgot 😦  Guess it will have to wait until next year… wahahahahaha!


Day 6…

28 Jan

I don’t know if I wrote about this before or not, because I am basically a zombie. This is the longest week of my life. I have 11 days straight with no days off due to a weekend class. This is day six. I don’t know how I’ll survive.

The caffeine pills were starting to make me feel sick so I’m going to skip them today and tomorrow and see how that goes. (I definitely need them Monday, because Monday I have class from 9-10, 10-1, 1-2:30, group meeting from 2:30-4, class again from 4-5:30, group meeting again from 5:30-whenever we finish… as you can see that doesn’t give me much of a chance to rest, eat, or get any homework done.)

life of a grad student, right?

I am totally wiped. And yes, I acknowledge that staying up late to watch the last chuck ever was a bad idea. because now i am sleepy AND dissatisfied. Shannon, I hope you’re right and I hope the DVD has some bonus scenes!!!

Anyway, I have to leave for class in 30 minutes, so I better hit the shower and try to wake my old worn out self up!


ETA: from an artistic standpoint, I actually thought they did a really nice job with the end of Chuck.  They reused old sets, did an appropriate amount of heart tugging flashbacks, and tied it all back together but still had a plot for the last episode.

However, I’m a mushy gushy girl and I want to know for sure that Sarah remembers Chuck, they are definitely still in love, and live happily ever after to have ass-kicking nerdy babies.


That is all.

Grey’s Anatomy + Work Out time

19 Jan

So I worked out for the first time in nearly two weeks.  The last time I worked out was a spinning class on January 7th.  I got sick January 9th, and I finally felt good enough to work out. (Actually, I was supposed to work out this morning, but I just forgot. 😦  Thankfully, my friend Nancy was very forgiving and didn’t seem too mad at me.

So tonight I decided to motivate myself by employing an old trick from college… I went to the gym when a favorite show was  on (Grey’s Anatomy) and did a full hour work out.

I feel awesome! I am so glad I did that!

Now for my comments on Grey’s Anatomy… can I just say I have been waiting for Hunt to flip out about Cristina’s abortion. I knew he couldn’t be so understanding forever. I understand Teddy’s work-a-holic way of dealing with her grief. I loved Meredith’s “Yay Zola” cake. Anyway, I am much less mad this week than last week!  If you saw the previews.. I am really excited about an alternate universe Grey’s! Can’t wait to see Lexie as a dread-locked bum!

On a total side note, grades from last semester are in and my semester average was higher than my GPA… so that’s always a good thing! 🙂

Lack of Writing Inspiration & Reading/TV Poll

17 Jan

I feel like I was doing great on this writing everyday thing until school started up again. It just drains me of all of my energy, and I feel completely uninspired. plus, the number of great phone photos has decreased exponentially.

I had a great night out with gal-pals last night for my friend’s birthday! Hopefully some of the pics taken will show up on facebook soon, and then I’ll write a post about it. But I’d prefer to save that for when I have some pictures.

Since I am really uninspired, I am going to pose a question to anyone who reads:

1. What are you reading right now? And by right now, I mean in general, not necessarily right this second. If you aren’t a big book reader, feel free to share a blog or website that you like to read! I’d love some new ideas of what to read.

2. Alternatively, if you’re not a big book reader, what are you watching on TV lately that you like?


And since I asked, I guess I will answer my own questions. I don’t get to read a lot while I am in school, but I am working (very very slowly) on a trilogy by Francine Rivers called Mark of the Lion. I’ll let you know how it is.

As for TV, I recently picked up a show called Switched at Birth which is on the ABC Family channel. Go ahead, laugh at me. But I am really enjoying it and how it is actually teaching me something about a group of people I know nothing about… the deaf community.

I also have been really digging Hart of Dixie starring Rachel Bilson (who is best known for her role as Summer Roberts on The O.C.). It is hilarious and awesome. I highly recommend it.

Okay… your turn!

Why Do I Still Watch Grey’s Anatomy?

6 Jan

I tried to watch Grey’s Anatomy tonight, I really did. Actually, I did in fact watch it. But the entire time, all I could think was, “Shonda Rhimes, you uncreative jerk, you Denny Duquette’d us again!”

If you watch Grey’s Anatomy, you know exactly what I am talking about.

If you don’t, you can stop reading now.

Okay, so when this show first came out, I was like, “I hated ER, I don’t want to watch a hospital show.” And I didn’t watch it at all, even thought Alysha kept telling me it was the best show. (This frequently happens. Alysha tells me a show is great and I should watch it. I resist. Eventually, I do watch it, and by then Alysha has realized it is lame and stops watching. Then I am left watching this show with no one to talk to about it. Story of my life.)

But that’s a total aside. A friend in college was given season 1, and lent it to me, and I got bored and I started watching. And I could not stop.

And then the show got too big for its britches. And actors/actresses started having squabbles and randomly disappearing without any kind of closure ( cough Burke cough Izzie cough cough).  And there were lots of unresolved issues between characters and we are just supposed to ignore these problems. Okay.

And Meredith randomly becomes well adjusted?  What?  And then they bring in all these random characters with a merger, and then promo that main characters will die.. but they just kill off all of the unlikable, extraneous characters from Mercy West who I did not consider to be main characters at all. Not that I wanted a main character to die, I just hated that they promo’d it and then it didn’t really happen. It felt like the creative team was like, “Dang, these characters we brought in to fill the hole that George/Izzie left are really flat and uninteresting.. I know.. let’s do a major dramatic two hour event and get rid of them!”  Either that, or, “Hey, we want to do a major two hour dramatic event where we kill of characters, but we’ve already gotten rid of two main characters, so let’s bring in some random extras for a season and then kill them off and promo that main characters will die!”

Cheap, Shonda Rhimes, Cheap.

And at that point I was pretty much ready to stop watching. But a really bland line up of shows for the season in general and curiosity kept me going. And I actually thought she was bringing it back by developing Lexie and April and Avery into stronger leads.

And then she Denny Duquette’d us.  And I totally fell for it. I thought to myself, “No way will Henry die, because Shonda Rhimes has already done the ‘Doctor falls in love with sick patient and sick patient dies’ thing, and she is way more creative than that.”


So will I keep watching? Probably. I feel invested in the characters (although I’m not sure why) and it’s almost like a train wreck… I want to stop looking but I just can’t.

But do I feel cheated and angry about it? YES.

And there better be an explanation next week of why Meredith and Derek are getting Zola back. It seemed like a cheap stunt at the end to make the watcher feel vaguely less betrayed by Denny Duquette take 2.