Tag Archives: weight loss milestone

Ten Lb Milestone!

22 Jan

I have officially lost ten lbs since I started Weight Watchers at the end of August.  Okay, so the rate of loss is a little slower than I had hoped, but getting my “additional 5 lbs lost” (aka ten lbs lost) mile marker felt so rewarding! Even if I am losing slowly, I am gradually getting healthier and reaching my goal!

I also have been eating regularly all week, so I feel good about this week’s weigh in… The last two weeks I kind of wondered if my weight would sky rocket back up once I wasn’t feeling sick anymore. But it hasn’t! I also got back into working out… I did an hour of indoor biking on Thurs, then I had a half hour weight training session + 15 minutes cardio to warm up on Friday, and yesterday Jonathan and I went to a spinning class.


Now comes the hard part… eating right and exercising during the longest week of my life. I have class for 11 days solid with no days off because I have a weekend class next week.  AHHHHH. The weight loss contest with my friends ends a week from today, and this week could really blow it because I don’t know how I’ll find time to work out. Jonathan is going to try to keep me stocked up with healthy meals and snacks that  I can take to school with me so that I’m not tempted to hit the school cafeteria which is unhealthy and expensive!

So… wish me luck during hell week! 🙂 (and just that I’ll survive.. you know.)

Weight Watchers Milestone + Christmas Ornament Picture

15 Jan

So, I got busy and forgot to blog yesterday… oops!

On the other end, I feel fully recovered from my illness and my weight has seesawed its way back up and has stabilized over the last few days, so I am feeling good about it!

I track my weight on Sundays, so I was glad that I felt like I had a somewhat stable number to put in today. And guess what? I reached a new milestone on Weight Watchers… 5% ! Yay me!


I am also about to go buy books for school, and that means I am about to have a lot of homework. So no more crafting / fun times for awhile for me … so in honor of that, I am posting a picture of the salt dough ornament I made for Alysha!

She took a pic and emailed it to me awhile ago, but I hadn’t gotten around to posting it yet… here it is!


This was the one that I thought was most successful. The shape is a Dala horse, which is an iconic horse from Sweden. She had bought me cookie cutters when she studied abroad in Sweden, so I used them to make a horse ornament for her!


First weight loss goal reached!

9 Dec

I officially reached my first goal on WW… I’ve lost five lbs! It’s exciting!  I also was able to put another pair of pants back into my wardrobe rotation…. they haven’t fit me since last spring,  and I wore them again last night! so that was also exciting!  My next goal is 10 lbs, and then my 10% goal, and then 20 lbs and then my final weight goal. So here is hoping I can keep making progress!


in other news, I’m about to go take my first exam of the season! After that, I just have a group paper, two take homes, and one more in class exam to get through in the next week! Plus crafting this afternoon  as a stress relief (I always give myself the afternoon after an exam off if I can. And I think I can because I have all day tomorrow to study study study!)

And… a Christmas party, a Birthday party, and seeing the Christmas lights at the park.  Super busy! 🙂